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Referral Program

If you loved our mosaic artwork or cabinetry refinishing services and have been telling everyone about us, check out our referral program.  Our referral program is meant to serve as a "thank you" to our clients who refer other clients to us.  If you are a former customer of ours and we receive a client based on your referral, we will send you either a VISA card or a restaurant gift card of your choice once they sign a contract and put down the required 50% deposit.  


For contracts involving $2,000.00-$3,999.00, enjoy a $50 card of your choice.  For contracts involving $4,000-$5,999.00, enjoy a $100 card of your choice.  For contracts involving $6,000.00-$9,999.00, enjoy a $200 card of your choice.  


We hope this encourages you to tell everyone you know about our services!  Our business depends on your satisfaction, and you deserve a proper "thank you" for helping us expand!

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